On June 4, 2013 - a Tuesday- from 8:00am-10:00am EST, Talking Kaos program included these topics and subjects of discussion.
- video game talk
- wine talk
- interviews and music talk
- anime talk
Here is the order of the program along with the lists of video games talk, wine talk, and anime talk on where to find more information.
Began program with a song.
- I Get Off- Halestorm
First, talked about anime. There is an anime entitled Fairy Tale , I've been watching on Huluplus.
I let the listeners know about an anime contest--more information on this anime contest can be found on anime news network.com- the web address is:
www.animenewsnetwork.com , it is listed among the stories on there site. Talked a little more about different items of interest in the realm of anime.
I then, talked about video games, more specifically , video games that are free shooter games. Here is the list of of Shooter games and the web address to find them.
- FireFall- firefallthegame.com
- Battlefield Heroes- battlefieldhereos.com
- Tribes: Ascend- tribesascend.com
- Team Fortress 2- teamfortress.com
- PlanetSide 2- planetside2.com
- Warface- warface.com
- Hawken- playhawken.com
- Dust 514- dust514.com
- World of Tanks- wargaming.net
I then spoke about Rock on the Range 2013in Columbus, Ohio. I played an interview from the band Red.
Played Red interview.
I talked a little more about Rock in the Range 2013, I played a song from the band Red.
- Death of Me- Red
After the song, I began to speak more about video games. I discussed free to play strategy video games, here is the list of games and there web address on where to find them.
- Command and Conquer- commandandconquer.com/free
- League of Legends- leagueoflegends.com
- End of Nations-endofnations.com
- Smite- smitegame.com
I then played a couple of songs.
- Sorry- Buckcherry
- Second Chance- Shinedown
Then, I spoke about more anime. I made announcement- On July 18, 2013 , the Plants vs. Zombies 2 will be released for free. I spoke more about video games. Here is the list of free to play RPG games and where they can be found.
- DC Universe Online- dcuniverseonline.com
- Marvel Heroes- marvelhereos.com
- Happy Wars- happywars.net
- Lord of the Rings online- lotro.com
- Star Wars: the old Republic- swtor.com
- Neverwinter- playneverwinter.com
I then played a couple of more songs.
- I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor
- The Brainwasher- Daft Punk
This began the second hour of talk program. I began by speaking about some trips I have made here in Atlanta, Georgia. Trips- Stone Mountain, World of Coca-Cola museum, The Georgia Aquarium, Six Flags and Olympic Park. I spoke about the TV programs : Orphan Black and Revolution. Any Pretty Little Liars fans-new summer season begins on Tuesday June 11, 2013.
I spoke about my adventures at Timegate 2013, Dr. Who / Stargate convention here in Atlanta, GA.
I then talked about Rock on the Range 2013 a little more.
I played the X Factor 1 interview.
I then spoke a little more about Rock on the Range 2013. I played a X Factor 1 song.
- Paint it Black- X Factor 1
I then spoke a little more about Rock on the Range 2013. I will be playing more interviews from Rock on the Range 2013 throughout the summer.
I began to talk about wine.
I then played a couple of songs.
- Dragula- Rob Zombie
- Dancing Queen- ABBA
I then spoke about more wine and about my visit to Chateau Elan winery here in Georgia. Chateau Elan Winery is 40 minutes north of Atlanta, GA in Braselton, Georgia.
I then talked about video games more. I gave a Top 10 list of Disembodied Hands in video games. Here is the list.
- Master Hands- Super Smash Brothers
- Wallmaster- The Legend of Zelda
- Glover- Glover
- Eyerok- Super Mario 64
- Human Hand- The Gunstringer
- Giant Robot Hand- Sonic & Knuckles
- B.J. Blazkowicz's Hand- Wolfenstein 3D
- Yami- Okami
- Grabby Hand- Calling
- Dancing Hand- Persona 3
I ended Talking Kaos by playing a song.
- Starry Eyed Surprise- Paul Oakenfield
That is this week's program of Talking Kaos re-cap. Anyone can go to
www.party934.com and click on the podcast page to find the program and listen to it. Anyone may also find this blog at blogger and at
Thank you so much for listening and visiting my blog and website.
DJ Tiffini